About the CRR

What is the CRR?

The CRR is a research center within the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities in Essen (KWI). It is concerned with questions of responsibility in modern society from an interdisciplinary point of view. Current issues like the future of market economy, the relation of morals and economy, climate change and the change of liberalism call for an intensified examination of the responsibility category from a cultural scientific perspective.

How does the CRR define itself?
The CRR sees itself as a gateway between science and the public. It combines scientific analysis with generally understandable formulation of problems. The CRR offers a scientific observation platform with orientation to the analysis of the present status. In cooperation with a network of professional partners it studies current processes of responsibility and develops practical advice how to act.

What are the topics of the CRR?
The CRR adds to longterm studies on the role of the responsibility principle in civil society, the state, politics and economy. Among the current topics are:
• Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Cul¬ture. About the relation of corporate culture and corporate responsibility.
• Social Responsibility (ISO 26000) as a leading principle of corporations, universities and statutory corporations.
• Consumer Responsibility and CSR. Consumer responsibility and corporate responsibility.
• Long Time Responsibility and Climate Change. Redefinition of long time responsibility considering climate change.
• Responsible Liberalism. On the future of social market economy.
• Governance by Responsibility. The role of the responsibility principle in postnational politics.
• Private Communities and Public Responsibili¬ties. The role of private actors in the undertaking of public responsibility tasks.
• Responsible Access. Questions of access and distribution of public and private goods.

What is the approach of the CRR?
The CRR deals with the issue of responsibility in highly complex societies from the point of view of philosophy, economy, sociology and political science. In doing so it equally covers fundamental and applied research. The CRR follows an integrative approach that combines system-theoretical, institution-economical and social philosophical analysis.

What does the CRR aim for?
The CRR analyzes the growing responsibility demands which are imposed on societal actors, institutions and organisations from a cultural scientific point of view. The aim of the CRR is to promote international research on responsibility and show future development potentials for society, politics, economy and the individual.

Current research projects

Director: Prof. Dr. Ludger Heidbrink
Corresponding Founding Member: Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Seele

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